Material Handling and Filling System XYZ Gantry Provides Support for Heavy Moment Loads

Material Handling and Filling System XYZ Gantry Provides Support for Heavy Moment Loads

When one of Macron’s competitors proclaimed that a proposed automated filling and weighing system to be used in the material handling industry could not be manufactured to specifications, Macron engineers did what they do best…they met the specs!

The multi-axis XYZ system was to be used in an automated filling application which required the movement of oil barrel-like containers into and back out of a small area where they were filled and weighed. The existing method of performing this task was done with manpower, however, the hazardous substances used in the filling process presented too much risk to the employees.

In order to accomplish this task within the specifications provided by the client and the available footprint for the automated system, Macron engineers had to design a machine to support 100 pounds at travels lengths of 5 feet left or right of center and up at to 10 feet of vertical travel. The tall vertical axis and travel lengths combine with the weight of the barrels being filled produced heavy moment loads that had to be taken into consideration.

The solution used a custom designed and manufactured motion system that utilized MacFRAME extruded aluminum machine framing and heavy duty Macron 14 belt driven linear actuators.

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